Source code for allopy.penalty.uncertainty

from typing import Iterable, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chi2

from .abstract import Penalty

[docs]class UncertaintyPenalty(Penalty):
[docs] def __init__(self, uncertainty: Union[Iterable[Union[int, float]], np.ndarray], alpha: float = 0.95, method='direct', dim: int = None): r""" The uncertainty penalty. It penalizes the objective function relative to the level of uncertainty for the given asset Notes ----- Given an initial maximizing objective, this penalty will change the objective to .. math:: f(w) - \lambda \sqrt{w^T \Phi w} where :math:`\Phi` represent the uncertainty matrix. :math:`\lambda = 0` or a 0-matrix is a special case where there are no uncertainty in the projections. If using :math:`\chi^2` method, the :math:`\lambda` value is given by .. math:: \lambda = \frac{1}{\chi^2_{n - 1}(\alpha)} where :math:`n` is the number of asset classes and :math:`\alpha` is the confidence interval. Otherwise the "direct" method will have :math:`\lambda = \alpha`. Parameters ---------- uncertainty: A 1D vector or 2D matrix representing the uncertainty for the given asset class. If a 1D vector is provided, it will be converted to a diagonal matrix alpha: A constant controlling the intensity of the penalty method: "chi2" or "direct" Method used to construct the lambda parameter. If "direct", the exact value specified by the `alpha` parameter is used. If "chi2", the value is determined using the inverse of the chi-square quantile function. In that instance, the `alpha` parameter will be the confidence level. See Notes. dim: int If provided, it will override the default dimension of the penalty which is determined by the length of the uncertainty vector/matrix provided """ self._uncertainty = self._derive_uncertainty(np.asarray(uncertainty)) self.dim = int(dim) if isinstance(dim, (int, float)) else len(self._uncertainty) self._method = method.lower() self._alpha = self._derive_lambda(alpha, self._method, self.dim)
[docs] def cost(self, w: np.ndarray) -> float: r""" Calculates the penalty to apply .. math:: p(w) = \lambda \sqrt{w^T \Phi w} """ return self._alpha * (w @ self._uncertainty @ w) ** 0.5
@property def uncertainty(self): return self._uncertainty @staticmethod def _derive_lambda(value: float, method: str, dim: int): assert method in ('chi2', 'direct'), f"Unknown method: {method}. Use 'chi2' or 'direct'" if method == "direct": return value else: assert 0 <= value <= 1, "lambda_ (alpha) parameter must be between [0, 1] if using 'chi2'" return chi2.ppf(value, dim - 1) @staticmethod def _derive_uncertainty(uncertainty: np.ndarray): if uncertainty.ndim == 1: uncertainty = np.diag(uncertainty) assert uncertainty.ndim == 2, "uncertainty input must be 1 or 2 dimensional" assert all(i == len(uncertainty) for i in uncertainty.shape), "uncertainty input must be a square matrix" return uncertainty def __str__(self): arr = repr(self._uncertainty.round(4)).replace("array(", "").replace(")", "") return f""" UncertaintyPenalty( lambda={self._alpha}, uncertainty={arr}, method={self._method} ) """.strip()