Source code for allopy.optimize.regret.portfolio.optimizer

from typing import Callable, Iterable, List, Optional, Union

import numpy as np

from allopy import OptData, translate_frequency
from allopy.types import OptArray, OptReal
from .constraints import ConstraintBuilder
from .objectives import ObjectiveBuilder
from ..optimizer import RegretOptimizer

[docs]class PortfolioRegretOptimizer(RegretOptimizer):
[docs] def __init__(self, data: List[Union[np.ndarray, OptData]], cvar_data: Optional[List[Union[np.ndarray, OptData]]] = None, prob: OptArray = None, rebalance=True, sum_to_1=True, time_unit='quarterly', **kwargs): r""" PortfolioRegretOptimizer houses several common pre-specified regret optimization routines. Regret optimization is a scenario based optimization. Notes ----- The term regret refers to the instance where after having decided on one alternative, the choice of a different alternative would have led to a more optimal (better) outcome when the eventual scenario transpires. The RegretOptimizer employs a 2 stage optimization process. In the first step, the optimizer calculates the optimal weights for each scenario. In the second stage, the optimizer minimizes the regret function to give the final optimal portfolio weights. Assuming the objective is to maximize returns subject to some volatility constraints, the first stage optimization will be as listed .. math:: \begin{gather*} \underset{w_s}{\max} R_s(w_s) \forall s \in S \\ s.t. \\ \sigma_s(w_s) \leq \Sigma \end{gather*} where :math:`R_s(\cdot)` is the returns function for scenario :math:`s`, :math:`\sigma_s(\cdot)` is the volatility function for scenario :math:`s` and :math:`\Sigma` is the volatility threshold. Subsequently, to minimize the regret across all scenarios, :math:`S`, .. math:: \begin{gather*} \underset{w}{\min} \sum_{s \in S} p_s \cdot D(R_s(w_s) - R_s(w)) \end{gather*} Where :math:`D(\cdot)` is a distance function (usually quadratic) and :math:`p_s` is the discrete probability of scenario :math:`s` occurring. Parameters ---------- data Scenario data. Each data must be a 3 dimensional tensor. Thus data will be a 4-D tensor. cvar_data: optional CVaR scenario data. Each data must be a 3 dimensional tensor. Thus data will be a 4-D tensor. prob Vector containing probability of each scenario occurring rebalance: bool, optional Whether the weights are rebalanced in every time instance. Defaults to True sum_to_1: If True, portfolio weights must sum to 1. Defaults to True time_unit: {int, 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'semi-annually', 'yearly'}, optional Specifies how many units (first axis) is required to represent a year. For example, if each time period represents a month, set this to 12. If quarterly, set to 4. Defaults to 12 which means 1 period represents a month. Alternatively, specify one of 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'semi-annually' or 'yearly' kwargs: Other keyword arguments to pass to the :class:`RegretOptimizer` base class See Also -------- :class:`RegretOptimizer`: RegretOptimizer """ time_unit = translate_frequency(time_unit) self._objectives = ObjectiveBuilder(data, cvar_data, rebalance, time_unit) self._constraints = ConstraintBuilder(data, cvar_data, rebalance, time_unit) na, ns = self._objectives.num_assets, self._objectives.num_scenarios super().__init__(na, ns, prob, sum_to_1=sum_to_1, **kwargs)
@property def rebalance(self): return self._objectives.rebalance @rebalance.setter def rebalance(self, value): assert isinstance(value, bool), "rebalance must be a boolean value" self._objectives.rebalance = value self._constraints.rebalance = value
[docs] def maximize_returns(self, max_vol: Optional[Union[float, Iterable[float]]] = None, max_cvar: Optional[Union[float, Iterable[float]]] = None, percentile=5.0, *, x0_first_level: Optional[Union[List[OptArray], np.ndarray]] = None, x0_prop: OptArray = None, approx=True, dist_func: Union[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], np.ufunc] = np.square, initial_solution: Optional[str] = "random", random_state: Optional[int] = None): """ Optimizes the expected returns of the portfolio subject to max volatility and/or cvar constraint. At least one of the tracking error or cvar constraint must be defined. If `max_vol` is defined, the tracking error will be offset by that amount. Maximum tracking error is usually defined by a positive number. Meaning if you would like to cap tracking error to 3%, max_te should be set to 0.03. Parameters ---------- max_vol: float or list of floats, optional Maximum tracking error allowed. If a scalar, the same value will be used for each scenario optimization. max_cvar: float or list of floats, optional Maximum cvar_data allowed. If a scalar, the same value will be used for each scenario optimization. percentile: float The CVaR percentile value. This means to the expected shortfall will be calculated from values below this threshold x0_first_level: list of list of floats or ndarray, optional List of initial solution vector for each scenario optimization. If provided, the list must have the same length at the first dimension as the number of solutions. x0_prop: list of floats, optional Initial solution vector for the regret optimization (2nd level). This can either be the final optimization weights if :code:`approx` is :code:`False` or the scenario proportion otherwise. approx: bool If True, a linear approximation will be used to calculate the regret optimal dist_func: Callable A callable function that will be applied as a distance metric for the regret function. The default is a quadratic function. See Notes. initial_solution: str, optional The method to find the initial solution if the initial vector :code:`x0` is not specified. Set as :code:`None` to disable. However, if disabled, the initial vector must be supplied. random_state: int, optional Random seed. Applicable if :code:`initial_solution` is not :code:`None` """ assert not (max_vol is None and max_cvar is None), "If maximizing returns subject to some sort of vol/CVaR " \ "constraint, we must at least specify max CVaR or max vol" if max_vol is not None: self.add_inequality_constraint(self._constraints.max_vol(max_vol)) if max_cvar is not None: self.add_inequality_constraint(self._constraints.max_cvar(max_cvar, percentile)) self.set_max_objective(self._objectives.max_returns) return self.optimize(x0_first_level, x0_prop, initial_solution, approx, dist_func, random_state)
[docs] def minimize_volatility(self, min_ret: OptReal = None, *, x0_first_level: Optional[Union[List[OptArray], np.ndarray]] = None, x0_prop: OptArray = None, approx=True, dist_func: Union[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], np.ufunc] = np.square, initial_solution: Optional[str] = "random", random_state: Optional[int] = None): """ Minimizes the tracking error of the portfolio If the `min_ret` is specified, the optimizer will search for an optimal portfolio where the returns are at least as large as the value specified (if possible). Parameters ---------- min_ret: float or list of floats, optional The minimum returns required for the portfolio. If a scalar, the same value will be used for each scenario optimization. x0_first_level: list of list of floats or ndarray, optional List of initial solution vector for each scenario optimization. If provided, the list must have the same length at the first dimension as the number of solutions. x0_prop: list of floats, optional Initial solution vector for the regret optimization (2nd level). This can either be the final optimization weights if :code:`approx` is :code:`False` or the scenario proportion otherwise. approx: bool If True, a linear approximation will be used to calculate the regret optimal dist_func: Callable A callable function that will be applied as a distance metric for the regret function. The default is a quadratic function. See Notes. initial_solution: str, optional The method to find the initial solution if the initial vector :code:`x0` is not specified. Set as :code:`None` to disable. However, if disabled, the initial vector must be supplied. random_state: int, optional Random seed. Applicable if :code:`initial_solution` is not :code:`None` """ if min_ret is not None: self.add_inequality_constraint(self._constraints.min_returns(min_ret)) self.set_min_objective(self._objectives.min_vol) return self.optimize(x0_first_level, x0_prop, initial_solution, approx, dist_func, random_state)
[docs] def minimize_cvar(self, min_ret: OptReal = None, percentile=5.0, *, x0_first_level: Optional[Union[List[OptArray], np.ndarray]] = None, x0_prop: OptArray = None, approx=True, dist_func: Union[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], np.ufunc] = np.square, initial_solution: Optional[str] = "random", random_state: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Minimizes the conditional value at risk of the portfolio. The present implementation actually minimizes the expected shortfall. If the `min_ret` is specified, the optimizer will search for an optimal portfolio where the returns are at least as large as the value specified (if possible). Parameters ---------- min_ret: float or list of floats, optional The minimum returns required for the portfolio. If a scalar, the same value will be used for each scenario optimization. percentile: float The CVaR percentile value for the objective. This is the average expected shortfall from values below this threshold x0_first_level: list of list of floats or ndarray, optional List of initial solution vector for each scenario optimization. If provided, the list must have the same length at the first dimension as the number of solutions. x0_prop: list of floats, optional Initial solution vector for the regret optimization (2nd level). This can either be the final optimization weights if :code:`approx` is :code:`False` or the scenario proportion otherwise. approx: bool If True, a linear approximation will be used to calculate the regret optimal dist_func: Callable A callable function that will be applied as a distance metric for the regret function. The default is a quadratic function. See Notes. initial_solution: str, optional The method to find the initial solution if the initial vector :code:`x0` is not specified. Set as :code:`None` to disable. However, if disabled, the initial vector must be supplied. random_state: int, optional Random seed. Applicable if :code:`initial_solution` is not :code:`None` Returns ------- ndarray Optimal weights """ if min_ret is not None: self.add_inequality_constraint(self._constraints.min_returns(min_ret)) self.set_max_objective(self._objectives.max_cvar(percentile)) return self.optimize(x0_first_level, x0_prop, initial_solution, approx, dist_func, random_state)
[docs] def maximize_sharpe_ratio(self, *, x0_first_level: Optional[Union[List[OptArray], np.ndarray]] = None, x0_prop: OptArray = None, approx=True, dist_func: Union[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], np.ufunc] = np.square, initial_solution: Optional[str] = "random", random_state: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Maximizes the sharpe ratio the portfolio. Parameters ---------- x0_first_level: list of list of floats or ndarray, optional List of initial solution vector for each scenario optimization. If provided, the list must have the same length at the first dimension as the number of solutions. x0_prop: list of floats, optional Initial solution vector for the regret optimization (2nd level). This can either be the final optimization weights if :code:`approx` is :code:`False` or the scenario proportion otherwise. approx: bool If True, a linear approximation will be used to calculate the regret optimal dist_func: Callable A callable function that will be applied as a distance metric for the regret function. The default is a quadratic function. See Notes. initial_solution: str, optional The method to find the initial solution if the initial vector :code:`x0` is not specified. Set as :code:`None` to disable. However, if disabled, the initial vector must be supplied. random_state: int, optional Random seed. Applicable if :code:`initial_solution` is not :code:`None` Returns ------- ndarray Optimal weights """ self.set_max_objective(self._objectives.max_sharpe_ratio) return self.optimize(x0_first_level, x0_prop, initial_solution, approx, dist_func, random_state)