Source code for allopy.optimize.base.base

import inspect
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union

import nlopt as nl
import numpy as np
from copulae.types import Numeric

from allopy import get_option
from allopy.exceptions import NotOptimizedError
from allopy.types import OptArray, OptNumeric
from .constraint import ConstraintFunc, ConstraintMap
from .initial_points import InitialPointGenerator
from .result import Result
from .summary import Summary
from ..algorithms import LD_SLSQP, has_gradient, map_algorithm
from ..utils import *

__all__ = ['BaseOptimizer']

Tolerance = Union[int, float, np.ndarray, None]

[docs]class BaseOptimizer:
[docs] def __init__(self, n: int, algorithm=LD_SLSQP, *args, **kwargs): """ The BaseOptimizer is the raw optimizer with minimal support. For advanced users, this class will provide the most flexibility. The default algorithm used is Sequential Least Squares Quadratic Programming. Parameters ---------- n: int number of assets algorithm: int or str the optimization algorithm args other arguments to setup the optimizer kwargs other keyword arguments """ if isinstance(algorithm, str): algorithm = map_algorithm(algorithm) self._n = n self._model = nl.opt(algorithm, n, *args) has_grad = has_gradient(algorithm) if has_grad == 'NOT COMPILED': raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot use '{nl.algorithm_name(algorithm)}' as it is not compiled") self._auto_grad: bool = kwargs.get('auto_grad', has_grad) self._eps = get_option('EPS.STEP') self._c_eps = get_option('EPS.CONSTRAINT') self.set_xtol_abs(get_option('EPS.X_ABS')) self.set_xtol_rel(get_option('EPS.X_REL')) self.set_ftol_abs(get_option('EPS.F_ABS')) self.set_ftol_rel(get_option('EPS.F_REL')) self.set_maxeval(get_option('MAX.EVAL')) self._cmap = ConstraintMap() self._result = Result() self._max_or_min = None self._verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', False)
@property def model(self): """The underlying optimizer. Use this if you need to access lower level settings for the optimizer""" return self._model @property def lower_bounds(self): """Lower bound of each variable""" return np.asarray(self._model.get_lower_bounds(), np.float64) @lower_bounds.setter def lower_bounds(self, lb: OptNumeric): self.set_lower_bounds(lb) @property def upper_bounds(self): """Upper bound of each variable""" return np.asarray(self._model.get_upper_bounds(), np.float64) @upper_bounds.setter def upper_bounds(self, ub: OptNumeric): self.set_upper_bounds(ub)
[docs] def optimize(self, x0: OptArray = None, *args, initial_solution: Optional[str] = "random", random_state: Optional[int] = None) -> np.ndarray: r""" Runs the optimizer and returns the optimal results if any. Notes ----- An initial vector must be set and the quality of any solution (especially gradient-based ones) will lie on this initial vector. Alternatively, the optimizer will ATTEMPT to randomly generate a feasible one if the :code:`initial_solution` argument is set to "random". However, there is no guarantee in the feasibility. In general, it is a tough problem to find a feasible solution in high-dimensional spaces, much more an optimal one. Thus use the random initial solution at your own risk. Initial Solution ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following lists the options for finding an initial solution for the optimization problem. It is best if the user supplies an initial value instead of using the heuristics provided if the user already knows the region to search. random Randomly generates "bound-feasible" starting points for the decision variables. Note that these variables may not fulfil the other constraints. For problems where the bounds have been tightly defined, this often yields a good solution. min_constraint_norm Solves the optimization problem listed below. The objective is to minimize the :math:`L_2` norm of the constraint functions while keeping the decision variables bounded by the original problem's bounds. .. math:: \min | constraint |^2 \\ s.t. \\ LB \leq x \leq UB Parameters ---------- x0: iterable float Initial vector. Starting position for free variables. In many cases, especially for derivative-based optimizers, it is important for the initial vector to be already feasible. args other arguments to pass into the optimizer initial_solution: str, optional The method to find the initial solution if the initial vector :code:`x0` is not specified. Set as :code:`None` to disable. However, if disabled, the initial vector must be supplied. See notes on Initial Solution for more information random_state: int, optional Random seed. Applicable if :code:`initial_solution` is not :code:`None` Returns ------- ndarray Values of free variables at optimality """ assert x0 is not None or initial_solution is not None, \ "If initial vector is not specified, method for initial_solution must be specified" if x0 is None: x0 = self._initial_points(initial_solution, random_state) else: # keep x within bounds x0 = np.asarray(x0) x0[x0 > self.upper_bounds] = self.upper_bounds[x0 > self.upper_bounds] x0[x0 < self.lower_bounds] = self.lower_bounds[x0 < self.lower_bounds] sol = self._model.optimize(x0, *args) if sol is not None: self._result.x = sol self._result.set_constraints(self._cmap, self._eps) return self._result.x else: if self._verbose: print('No solution was found for the given problem. Check the summary() for more information') return np.repeat(np.nan, len(x0))
[docs] def set_max_objective(self, fn: Callable, *args): """ Sets the optimizer to maximize the objective function. If gradient of the objective function is not set and the algorithm used to optimize is gradient-based, the optimizer will attempt to insert a smart numerical gradient for it. Parameters ---------- fn: Callable Objective function args Other arguments to pass to the objective function. This can be ignored in most cases Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ self._max_or_min = 'maximize' self._model.set_stopval(float('inf')) self._model.set_max_objective(self._set_gradient(fn), *args) self._result.obj_func = fn return self
[docs] def set_min_objective(self, fn: Callable, *args): """ Sets the optimizer to minimize the objective function. If gradient of the objective function is not set and the algorithm used to optimize is gradient-based, the optimizer will attempt to insert a smart numerical gradient for it. Parameters ---------- fn: Callable Objective function args Other arguments to pass to the objective function. This can be ignored in most cases Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ self._max_or_min = 'minimize' self._model.set_stopval(-float('inf')) self._model.set_min_objective(self._set_gradient(fn), *args) self._result.obj_func = fn return self
[docs] def add_inequality_constraint(self, fn: ConstraintFunc, tol=None): """ Adds the equality constraint function in standard form, A <= b. If the gradient of the constraint function is not specified and the algorithm used is a gradient-based one, the optimizer will attempt to insert a smart numerical gradient for it. Parameters ---------- fn Constraint function tol: float, optional A tolerance in judging feasibility for the purposes of stopping the optimization Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ tol = self._c_eps if tol is None else tol self._cmap.add_inequality_constraint(fn) self._model.add_inequality_constraint(self._set_gradient(fn), tol) return self
[docs] def add_equality_constraint(self, fn: ConstraintFunc, tol=None): """ Adds the equality constraint function in standard form, A = b. If the gradient of the constraint function is not specified and the algorithm used is a gradient-based one, the optimizer will attempt to insert a smart numerical gradient for it. Parameters ---------- fn Constraint function tol: float, optional A tolerance in judging feasibility for the purposes of stopping the optimization Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ tol = self._c_eps if tol is None else tol self._cmap.add_equality_constraint(fn) self._model.add_equality_constraint(self._set_gradient(fn), tol) return self
[docs] def add_inequality_matrix_constraint(self, A, b, tol=None): r""" Sets inequality constraints in standard matrix form. For inequality, :math:`\mathbf{A} \cdot \mathbf{x} \leq \mathbf{b}` Parameters ---------- A Inequality matrix. Must be 2 dimensional. b Inequality vector or scalar. If scalar, it will be propagated. tol A tolerance in judging feasibility for the purposes of stopping the optimization Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ tol = self._c_eps if tol is None else tol A, b = validate_matrix_constraints(A, b) for i, row, _b in zip(range(len(b)), A, b): fn = create_matrix_constraint(row, _b, f"A_{i}") self._cmap.add_inequality_constraint(fn) f = create_gradient_func(fn, self._eps) self._model.add_inequality_constraint(f, tol) return self
[docs] def add_equality_matrix_constraint(self, Aeq, beq, tol=None): r""" Sets equality constraints in standard matrix form. For equality, :math:`\mathbf{A} \cdot \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}` Parameters ---------- Aeq Equality matrix. Must be 2 dimensional beq Equality vector or scalar. If scalar, it will be propagated tol A tolerance in judging feasibility for the purposes of stopping the optimization Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ tol = self._c_eps if tol is None else tol Aeq, beq = validate_matrix_constraints(Aeq, beq) for i, row, _beq in zip(range(len(beq)), Aeq, beq): fn = create_matrix_constraint(row, _beq, f"AEQ_{i}") self._cmap.add_equality_constraint(fn) f = create_gradient_func(fn, self._eps) self._model.add_equality_constraint(f, tol) return self
[docs] def remove_all_constraints(self): """Removes all constraints""" self._model.remove_inequality_constraints() self._model.remove_equality_constraints() return self
[docs] def set_bounds(self, lb: Numeric, ub: Numeric): """ Sets the lower and upper bound Parameters ---------- lb Vector of lower bounds. If array, must be same length as number of free variables. If :class:`float` or :class:`int`, value will be propagated to all variables. ub Vector of upper bounds. If array, must be same length as number of free variables. If :class:`float` or :class:`int`, value will be propagated to all variables. Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ self.set_lower_bounds(lb) self.set_upper_bounds(ub) return self
[docs] def set_lower_bounds(self, lb: Numeric): """ Sets the lower bounds Parameters ---------- lb Vector of lower bounds. If vector, must be same length as number of free variables. If :class:`float` or :class:`int`, value will be propagated to all variables. Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ if isinstance(lb, (int, float)): lb = np.repeat(float(lb), self._n) assert len(lb) == self._n, f"Input vector length must be {self._n}" self._model.set_lower_bounds(np.asarray(lb)) return self
[docs] def set_upper_bounds(self, ub: Numeric): """ Sets the upper bound Parameters ---------- ub Vector of lower bounds. If vector, must be same length as number of free variables. If :class:`float` or :class:`int`, value will be propagated to all variables. Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ if isinstance(ub, (int, float)): ub = np.repeat(float(ub), self._n) assert len(ub) == self._n, f"Input vector length must be {self._n}" self._model.set_upper_bounds(np.asarray(ub)) return self
[docs] def set_epsilon(self, eps: float): """ Sets the step difference used when calculating the gradient for derivative based optimization algorithms. This can ignored if you use a derivative free algorithm or if you specify your gradient specifically. Parameters ---------- eps: float The gradient step Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ assert isinstance(eps, float), "Epsilon must be a float" self._eps = eps return self
[docs] def set_epsilon_constraint(self, eps: float): """ Sets the tolerance for the constraint functions Parameters ---------- eps: float Tolerance Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ assert isinstance(eps, float), "Epsilon must be a float" self._c_eps = eps return self
[docs] def set_xtol_abs(self, tol: Tolerance): """ Sets absolute tolerances on optimization parameters. The tol input must be an array of length `n` specified in the initialization. Alternatively, pass a single number in order to set the same tolerance for all optimization parameters. Parameters ---------- tol: {float, ndarray} Absolute tolerance for each of the free variables Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ self._model.set_xtol_abs(validate_tolerance(tol)) return self
[docs] def set_xtol_rel(self, tol: Tolerance): """ Sets relative tolerances on optimization parameters. The tol input must be an array of length `n` specified in the initialization. Alternatively, pass a single number in order to set the same tolerance for all optimization parameters. Parameters ---------- tol: float or ndarray, optional relative tolerance for each of the free variables Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ self._model.set_xtol_rel(validate_tolerance(tol)) return self
[docs] def set_maxeval(self, n: int): """ Sets maximum number of objective function evaluations. After maximum number of evaluations, optimization will stop. Set 0 or negative for no limit. Parameters ---------- n: int maximum number of evaluations Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ assert isinstance(n, int), "max eval must be an integer" self._model.set_maxeval(n) return self
[docs] def set_ftol_abs(self, tol: Tolerance): """ Set absolute tolerance on objective function value Parameters ---------- tol: float absolute tolerance of objective function value Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ self._model.set_ftol_abs(validate_tolerance(tol)) return self
[docs] def set_ftol_rel(self, tol: Tolerance): """ Set relative tolerance on objective function value Parameters ---------- tol: float Absolute relative of objective function value Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ self._model.set_ftol_rel(validate_tolerance(tol)) return self
[docs] def set_stopval(self, stopval: Optional[float]): """ Stop when an objective value of at least/most stopval is found depending on min or max objective Parameters ---------- stopval: float Stopping value Returns ------- BaseOptimizer Own instance """ self._model.set_stopval(validate_tolerance(stopval)) return self
@property def has_violations(self): if not self._result.is_optimized: raise NotOptimizedError return self._result.has_violations @property def solution(self): if self.has_violations: warnings.warn("Optimizer did not find feasible solution") return self._result.x @property def summary(self): """Prints a summary report of the optimizer""" model = self._model prog_setup = [ ('objective', self._max_or_min), ('n_var', self._n), ('n_eq_con', len(self._cmap.equality)), ('n_ineq_con', len(self._cmap.inequality)), ] opt_setup = [ ('xtol_abs', model.get_xtol_abs()[0]), ('xtol_rel', model.get_xtol_rel()), ('ftol_abs', model.get_ftol_abs()), ('ftol_rel', model.get_ftol_rel()), ('max_eval', model.get_maxeval()), ('stop_val', model.get_stopval()), ] bounds = self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds smry = Summary(model.get_algorithm_name(), prog_setup, opt_setup, bounds) r = self._result if r is not None: smry.tight_hin = r.tight_hin smry.violations = r.violations smry.solution = r.x return smry def _initial_points(self, method: str, random_state): gen = InitialPointGenerator(self._n, self.lower_bounds, self.upper_bounds) if method.lower() == "random": return gen.random_starting_points(random_state) elif method.lower() == "min_constraint_norm": cmap = self._cmap return gen.min_constraint(cmap.equality.values(), cmap.inequality.values()) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown initial solution method '{method}'. Check the docs for valid methods") def _set_gradient(self, fn: ConstraintFunc): assert callable(fn), "Argument must be a function" if self._auto_grad and len(inspect.signature(fn).parameters) == 1: if self._verbose: print(f"Setting gradient for function: '{fn.__name__}'") return create_gradient_func(fn, self._eps) else: return fn